Department of Pedagogy
The legal predecessor of the university (MAE) started the pedagogical preparation of specialist teachers in 1950. In today's practice in connection with agricultural training, this means our university Teacher of Agricultural Engineering (MA level) and college Agricultural Vocational Trainer (BSc level) training. Concerning the current and future fields of work in both agricultural engineering teachers and agricultural vocational teachers, the optional possibility of in-school and out-of-school training can also be mentioned. The disciplines defined by the department are twofold: On the one hand, pedagogy, and on the other hand, the related discipline, i.e. the field of agricultural training, determines our work. For this reason, our mission is twofold. From the aspect of educational science, teacher creativity plays a vital role in our objectives. In our studies, in addition to the traditional function of communicating knowledge, the role of the educator/teacher is supplemented by a helping and supportive role. The educator/teacher himself participates in the work and also manages as a coordinator. In our person-centered pedagogical work, we attribute a decisive role to the teacher’s personality traits and focus on creative cooperation based on mutual respect, as well as on simplified problem-solving processes, effective communication, empathy, positive attitude, openness, and credibility in the spirit of a cooperative approach to life. Of course, it is also crucial for us that our specializations connect us to the world of agriculture. Recent innovations for productivity (digitization, precision farming, etc.) by professionals working in the agricultural economy. It can best be described along with the adaptation of developments. Thus, modern agricultural teacher training that responds to market needs can also play an important role in shaping the behavior of agricultural actors open to change. With the innovative panels on vocational teacher training in the Vocational Education and Training 4.0 Strategy in mind, we are confident that our students will be able to adapt seamlessly to region-specific educational and agri-labor market expectations.
Head of department:
Anikó Khademi-Vidra PhD. habil. (Mrs.)
associate professor