Department of Leadership
From 1 February 2020 the Department of Leadership is a key organizational unit of the Institute of Human Sciences. Our department was established in 1987 by the late Professor Emeritus Dr. János Dinnyés, who founded human resource training in Hungary. Dr. Ferenc Nemes, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a pioneer of the Hungarian management science, launched the Management and Leadership Master course, which is our high-quality master program at the forefront of the faculty.
The focus of the 21st century leadership programs and management sciences is on people. It confirms the fact that organizational performance, development, and responses to environmental challenges are decisively determined by the qualities of leaders and employees.
Our colleagues perform educational and research activities in the field of general human resource management functions, management, and leadership. The subjects of our department are present at all levels of the faculty, in several training places within and beyond the borders, both in Hungarian and English.
We consider the continuous professional development of our subjects important together with the preparation of the related study materials and the involvement of external specialists as well as guest lecturers l. We strive to cooperate with our students outside the classroom, and as a consultant we support their diploma work and the preparation for TDK and OTDK (student scientific) conferences.
Our lecturers take an active role in the work of professional organizations (National Association of Human Professionals), and as trainers, coaches, organizational development and human resource management consultants, they strengthen the practice-oriented side of our programs with their experience.
Head of department
Katalin Szabó PhD
senior lecturer